Public Relations

Public Relations

The deliberate (جان بوجھ کر), planned and sustained (برقرار) effort to establish and maintain a mutual understanding, based on honesty, integrity and ethics between an organisation and its publics.

PR is the persuasion (قائل کرنا) business.

Public relations is a strategic (حکمت عملی) communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organisations and their publics.

Planning vs Strategy  :

Plaining says
Here are the steps.
Focussed on "How".

Strategy says
Here are the best steps.
Focussed on reasons and "Why".

Why Public Relations ?

An organisation may have a good quality products or it may be providing services but if people or public are unaware about it the image would be bad one. Good public relations builds up the image of organisations while the bad public relations or no public relations destroys the image.


According to the archaeological findings of old civilisation in Rome, Egypt, Mesopotamia (ancient Iraq) a 4000 years old cuneiform tablet found in Iraq told farmers how to produce better corps. Its function was similar to the PR bulletins issued by the agriculture departments.


Model of PR

R.A.C.E model of public relations introduced by John Emerson Martson in 1963.

Research:  (Doing research to find out the problem or situation),
                  What caused it?
                  Who is involved?

Action:   (Using the findings from research to determine the appropriate action )
                 Plan your response and the respond.     

Communication:  (Send our plan to all internal and external publics.) Utilize the best media channels for the specific situation.

Evaluation: Analyse the success  of the above three steps.

Or Some time R.P.I.E (Research, Programming, Implementation and Evaluation).

Basic tools of PR

Publics (Internal and External)
Press Agentry (Print, Radio, TV)
Advertising (Ads)
Propaganda (Persuading approach )
Publicity (Promoting materials in press or on the air and its purpose is often hidden )
Computer (Webzines, Social Media etc)
Visual News Service
Fax Services
Courier Services

Public Relation Disciplines

Media Relations
Investor Relations
Government Relations
Public Affairs
Community Relations
Customer Relations
Influencer Marketing (Using Social Media for brand promotion)
Crisis Communications (A time of difficulty or emergency for example when a campaign launched by health department about Coronavirus etc)

Public Relations Officer (PRO)

The main character behind image building, developing and maintaining mutual understanding between organisation and its publics is that of public relations officer (PRO).

PRO is required to perform the following duties.

1. Research: Based on facts, truth and ethics.

2. Issuing information: To convey authentic and correct information to the publics about the activity of the organisation the PRO places a newsworthy information in the press or electronic media.
PRO also responds to the inquiries  from the journalist.
The most effective instrument that PRO uses to convey the message is "press release". 

3. Facility/Visits: PRO arranges visits of media persons, general public, buyers, suppliers etc

4. Arranging press conferences: PRO arranges a press or news conference for his/her boss at occasion when he/she has to impart some important and immediate news.

5. Feedback or Campaign results assessment: PRO is supposed to look into:
    result of campaign, tools and techniques used for assessing the result, the impact of campaign on        public. This feedback data serve as abase for future planning and policy formulation.

6. Monitoring Media: PRO should monitor the media, specially the press to watch for reports of interest to the organisation. He/She should keep a record of all these press cuttings.
7. Producing Newsletter, Brochure, House journal etc: When a company/organisation wants to tell their own story in their own manner and express owns opinions to get target publics so PRO of an organisation is supposed to make all necessary arrangements for producing such a publications like House Journal, Newsletter, Brochure etc.
Example : News Letter

8. Public affairs: PRO should also perform political, educational and civic service functions in order to cooperate with and support the community.  

9. Aiding in advertisement: A PRO should aid the advertising agencies, newspapers, electronic media in creation of institutional advertising designed to sell ideas and images. The mainstream economy comes from advertisement. By aiding PRO can get greater cooperation and space or time for his.her publicity material in the media. 

Aiding means امداد. Like USAID etc.

10. Counselling: Public relations job is a management function as well. PRO is in a better position to identify public attitudes, needs and market demands and one of his/her prime responsibilities to counsel the management to enable it to positively respond to the public demands. 

Qualities of PRO:

1. Objectivity

2. Integrity (سالمیت):  the quality of being honest with strong moral principles

3. Good Judgment

4. Decisiveness (فیصلہ کن ہونا)

5. Flexibility

6. Inquisitiveness ( تحقیق پسندی , جستجو):  a strong desire to know or learn something.

7. Attractive Personality ( A positive attitude, a balanced extroversion (Social Interaction) and confidence  )

8. Hardworking

9. Knowledge about methods of communication

10. Creativeness

11. Persuasiveness (قائل کرنا)

12. Courage and Boldness

13. Managerial Skills

14. Sense of humour (ذوق مذاق)

15. Stability

16. Sense of accountability and responsibility

17. Power of speech

18. Interest in meeting and cultivating the publics, in particular the media representatives



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