Typology of Communication

Typology of Communication

Different forms of communication are. 

1. Intrapersonal Communication (With one's self)
2. Interpersonal Communication (One to One)
3. Group/Team Communication  (One to Many)
4. Intercultural Communication / Mass Communication (One to Many using Mass Media) 

1. Intrapersonal Communication: 
Intra: Latin term, means "With in" 

Communication with one's self, and that may include self-talk, acts of imagination and visualization. 
"When you talk yourself ".

 Example: When you answer your questions yourself, like Where to go? What to Eat? What book to read and why? 

Pros of Intrapersonal Communication are: Self awareness, Self Management and Self Confidence. 
Cons of Intrapersonal Communication are: Overthinking, Misconceptions, Wrong Decisions.  

Intrapersonal skills includes:

    • A person may use self-talk to calm himself down in stressful situation.
    • A shy person may remind to smile himself in a social event.

2. Interpersonal Communication : 
Inter: Latin term means between, among, mutually or together.
Interpersonal communication means communication between two persons or more. 

Exchange of information, idea, meaning and feelings between two or more people through the following methods: 
1. Verbal 
2.  Listening
3. Written
4. Non Verbal/Non Vocal  (Gesture, Posture, Body language, Eye-contact)

Interpersonal skills include:

  • Active listening
  • Team work
  • Responsibility
  • Dependability (the quality of being trustworthy and reliable)
  • Leadership
  • Motivation (desire or willingness to do something)
  • Flexibility (willingness to change)
  • Patience (the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.)

3. Group/Team Communication: 
    Communication among group or team members like Family, Organisation, Classroom or any kind       of gatherings. 
4. Mass Communication: Communicating message/information/idea/opinion/thoughts to a big number of receivers(audience/public) using print (Newspaper, Magazine, Tabloid), Radio, TV or Internet (Social Media). 


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