
Propaganda: This word came from the Italian sentence "congregatio de propaganda fide " means congregation for the propagation of faith.

Place: Rome, Italy.

History: In 1622 Pope Gregory created a group for the propagation of faith in non catholic areas.
Sentence was "congregatio de propaganda fide " which is Italian language.
later on Pope Urban VII setup a college of propaganda to train priests for the mission.


1.  It is the information, opinion, thought or approach which primarily influence the general or targeted audience and further an agenda.

2. Propaganda as the "deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behaviour to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist.

3. Propaganda is the spreading of information in a support of cause.

Note: The word propaganda is being used in a negative sense especially for politicians who make false claim to get elected and spread rumors.

A person who disseminates the propaganda is called propagandist.

Examples of Propaganda:
We can categories the propaganda in following areas.
  • Religion: Promoting faith.
  • Advertisement: Product or service
  • Politics: Political parties promoting their agendas.
  • The government produces many kinds of propaganda.

Nowadays, the term is used in journalism, advertising, and education mostly in a political context. 

Propaganda Techniques:

There are several practicing techniques for doing propaganda in different areas.
Following are the techniques of propaganda.

1  Name Calling: Attaching negative label to a person or thing.

In this advertisement the Name call is McDonalds.

2: Glittering Generality
    In this technique vague statement is made for a product without concrete reason.
    In this technique the slogan is much attractive that audience does not challenge its      ground reality.
    Example 1: Things go better with Coca Cola etc

    Example 2:

3: Transfer. Also know as association, In this technique the positive or negative             qualities of a person, entity  are being projected.

Above picture says that fighters do like Coke.

4: Testimonial: When a famous person or celebrity endorsed a product or brand.

5: Plain folks: To show that i am among the common people. Or use a normal people to make the product seems useable.

6: Card Stacking  :
    When someone highlight his/her positive points and keep the rest hidden.
    Politicians use this method in their speeches.
    Editorial of newspapers use this technique to be different.
    Any product or brand also use such technique to be liked more.
   In the above picture the "Sugar Free" makes this product different than others.

In above picture Card stacking technique has been used to advertise Burger King's fries by putting statistics about FAT and Calories.

7: Bandwagon: In this techniques the writer persuades his/her readers, so that the majority could agree with the argument of writer.



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