Presentation on Radio Broadcasting

Presentation on Radio Broadcasting
Communication & Media Studies, KKKUK.
April 10, 2018

Radio Broadcasting

·         Radio Journalism
·         Radio Technical 

 Production Steps:

·          Idea
·          Research/Script
·          Recording
·          Transferring
·          Editing/Mixing

Radio Journalism: Idea, Research, Script

Radio Technical: Recording, Transferring, editing &mixing

·      Live: News, Reporting, Presentation, Interview
·      Recorded: Feature, Documentaries, Drama, Magazine Program

Types of News presentation:

·      Read------------------Reader Only
·      Read + Clip----------Reader + Sound Bite
·      Read + Report------Reader + Reporter
·      Read + Package-----Reader + Reporter + Talent + +
·      Read + Live ---------Reader + Reporter Live

Radio Technical:

·      Studio Equipment
·      Broadcast Equipment

Hardware: Microphone, Headphone, Mixer board, Transmitter, Soundcards, Computer, Laptop, Smart Phone, Radio set, Telephone hybrid system, Printer, Scanner, Internet Connectivity (Wifi, Wired) and Portable Voice, Recorder.

Software: Adobe Audition, Social Media Network, Converters, Windows etc.

Elements of program:
Theme, Sting, Voxpop, Interview.

Practical:  Producing mini feature .


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