What is Interview ?

Brief about Interview

Theory and Practice 
MA Previous
November 29, 2017.

Focused exchange of question and answers.
Various forms of Interviews
1: Information Interview: Facts and Figures
2: Personality (Portrait ) Interview:
3: Opinion Interview:  Opinion and standpoint

Interview as tool:
A: Research Interview:
B: Statement Interview: Sound bite
Preparing an interview
Preparing an interview:
First, you have to research the topic of your interview. Next, you should define your
interview goal. Ask yourself the questions: “What do the listeners want to know about
this topic?” and “What information is relevant for the listeners?” Define a lead
question for the interview as a whole.

Selecting the interviewee, the interview venue and time:
The success and failure of an interview depends largely on choosing the right interview partner. There are many things you need to consider when deciding whom
to interview: their expertise, their ability to explain things in a straight-forward way, their position and views with regard to the topic of the interview

Interview briefing
Before you start conducting an interview, you should always brief your interviewee about some things.
· What is the topic and the focus of the interview?
· How long will the interview take?
· Will the interview be recorded or broadcast live?
· When will the interview be broadcast?
· Will it be broadcast as a whole or is it just a research or statement interview?
· When and where will the interview be conducted?
· Will it be a one-on-one interview, or will other interviewees or additional journalists be present

Different forms of questions
Ø  Close Ended: Yes/No
Ø  Open Ended: How/Why
Ø  Stumbling Blocks:  Either-or
Ø  Multiple questions: More than one
Technical stumbling blocks
Interesting interview partners and clever questions are worthless if technical problems ruin your interview. Always make sure that your technical equipment is working before you start recording an interview. Test your recording device, your microphone and the levels before the interview.
After the interview, check whether the recording is all right. Do this while your interviewee is still around. If you find out now that technical problems spoiled your recording, you may be able to convince your interview partner to repeat the interview.
Always take a foam wind screen for your microphone with you to avoid wind noise.
Check whether your batteries are charged and bring spare batteries – just in case…

Practical:  Class will be divided into groups each of two students and they will interview each other .    *********************************************************************


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