
Useful links for Broadcasting Course

Need to learn & understand the following things of each  authority/Organisation. 1.  Functions 2.  Vision 3.  The Authority 4.  Divisions 1. Radio Pakistan: 2. Pakistan Television:    3. Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) 4.Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) 5. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA)  4. Radio Garden : To have all online/Internet radio stations. 5. British Broadcasting Company (BBC): 6. Voice of America (VOA): 7. Deutsche Welle (DW): *********************************************************************************

On line Classes


Press Release

Press Release: A short news story written by a PRO (Public Relations Officer) and sent to the targeted media outlets. Example 1:  Press Release by PTCL. PTCL & RCCI collaborate to enable Digital Pakistan Rawalpindi, February 19, 2020:  Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL), has signed an MoU with the Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industries (RCCI) to establish a strategic partnership that offers state-of-the-art digital services from PTCL to business community associated with Rawalpindi chamber. These include fully managed IT & Telecom services such as Voice, Data, High Speed Internet, International connectivity, Cloud Computing, Surveillance, Data Center, Information security and Wi-Fi solution. The agreement was signed by Zarrar Khan, Chief Business Services Officer (CBSO), PTCL and Saboor Malik, President, RCCI. The dignitaries who were present on the occasion were Sohail Alt

Public Relations

Public Relations :  The deliberate ( جان بوجھ کر ), planned and sustained ( برقرار ) effort to establish and maintain a mutual understanding, based on honesty, integrity and ethics between an organisation and its publics. PR is the persuasion ( قائل کرنا ) business. Public relations is a strategic ( حکمت عملی ) communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organisations and their publics. Planning vs Strategy  : Plaining says Here are the steps. Focussed on "How". Strategy says Here are the best steps. Focussed on reasons and "Why". Why Public Relations ? An organisation may have a good quality products or it may be providing services but if people or public are unaware about it the image would be bad one. Good public relations builds up the image of organisations while the bad public relations or no public relations destroys the image. History: According to the archaeological findings of old civilisation i

Barriers to Effective Communication

Barriers to Effective Communication.  The causes which seriously affect the smoothness and flow of communication between sender and receiver. Followings are considered Noise/Barriers to the Effective Communication. 1. Semantic Barriers 2. Personal Barriers 3. Organisational Barriers 4. Psychological/Emotional Barriers Semantic Barriers : Semantic means  معنی سے متعلق This barriers refers to the misunderstanding between sender and receiver due to the different meanings or words. Homonyms Homonyms  are words that have the same spelling and pronunciation, but different meanings.  For Example Crane : A Bird     Crane : Lifter Crane : Stretch (Crane your neck mean stretch your neck ) Date:   تاريخ                                    R ight :  درست Date :  کهجور                                     Right :   دایاں Homophones Homophones  are words that have the same pronunciation, but different spellings and meanings. Like  Alter    تبدیل کرنا

Effective Communication

Effective Communication:   A communication between two or more persons in which the message is successfully delivered, received and understood. Instead of using words, the effective communication also covers several other skills like, non-verbal communication, including emotions, tone of voice, gestures, postures body language and eye - contacts. Characteristics of Effective Communication Following 7 C’s can play a vital role in making communication effective.  1. Clarity 2. Correctness  3. Conciseness  4. Completeness  5. Courtesy  6. Concreteness 7. Consideration

Patterns of Communication

Pattern  :  خاکَہ ,  طریقہ,  نمُونہ Communication : Transfer of information. "Patterns of communication means systematic ways of communicating important information." Communication is the transfer of information to others.  As we studied in the "Typology of Communication" We have :   Intrapersonal Communication  Interpersonal Communication Group/Team communication Mass Communication   Specially when we talk about Group or Team communication, We have several methods which is called patterns of Group/Team Communication. Following are the patterns. Circle Chain Y Wheel