
Showing posts from February, 2020

Barriers to Effective Communication

Barriers to Effective Communication.  The causes which seriously affect the smoothness and flow of communication between sender and receiver. Followings are considered Noise/Barriers to the Effective Communication. 1. Semantic Barriers 2. Personal Barriers 3. Organisational Barriers 4. Psychological/Emotional Barriers Semantic Barriers : Semantic means  معنی سے متعلق This barriers refers to the misunderstanding between sender and receiver due to the different meanings or words. Homonyms Homonyms  are words that have the same spelling and pronunciation, but different meanings.  For Example Crane : A Bird     Crane : Lifter Crane : Stretch (Crane your neck mean stretch your neck ) Date:   تاريخ                                    R ight :  درست Date :  کهجور                                     Right :   دایاں Homophones Homophones  are words that have the same pronunciation, but different spellings and meanings. Like  Alter    تبدیل کرنا

Effective Communication

Effective Communication:   A communication between two or more persons in which the message is successfully delivered, received and understood. Instead of using words, the effective communication also covers several other skills like, non-verbal communication, including emotions, tone of voice, gestures, postures body language and eye - contacts. Characteristics of Effective Communication Following 7 C’s can play a vital role in making communication effective.  1. Clarity 2. Correctness  3. Conciseness  4. Completeness  5. Courtesy  6. Concreteness 7. Consideration

Patterns of Communication

Pattern  :  خاکَہ ,  طریقہ,  نمُونہ Communication : Transfer of information. "Patterns of communication means systematic ways of communicating important information." Communication is the transfer of information to others.  As we studied in the "Typology of Communication" We have :   Intrapersonal Communication  Interpersonal Communication Group/Team communication Mass Communication   Specially when we talk about Group or Team communication, We have several methods which is called patterns of Group/Team Communication. Following are the patterns. Circle Chain Y Wheel

Typology of Communication

Typology of Communication Different forms of communication are.  1. Intrapersonal Communication (With one's self) 2. Interpersonal Communication (One to One) 3. Group/Team Communication  (One to Many) 4.  Intercultural Communication /  Mass Communication (One to Many using Mass Media)  1. Intrapersonal Communication:   Intra: Latin term, means "With in"  Communication with one's self, and that may include  self-talk, acts of imagination and visualization.   or  "When you talk yourself ".  Example: When you answer your questions yourself, like Where to go? What to Eat? What book to read and why?  Pros of Intrapersonal Communication are: Self awareness, Self Management and Self Confidence.  Cons of Intrapersonal Communication are: Overthinking, Misconceptions, Wrong Decisions.   Intrapersonal skills includes: A person may use self-talk to calm himself down in stressful situation. A shy person may remind to smile himself i

Concepts of Mass Communication

Concepts of Mass Communication This module aims to help students to understand the very basic concepts related to the communication  and mass communication. Concept  :  تصورات, apprehension, archetype, belief, conceit, conception, design, fancy, fantasy, idea, ideal, image, imagination, impression, judgment, model, notion, opinion, pattern, plan, purpose, sentiment, supposition, theory, thought.  Mass :  بڑے پیمانے پر Huge Quantity, large surface,  large group, Big number of people, public or audience  Communication :  مواصلات E xchanging/Sharing of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.                                Mass communication  is the  communication  of information from a person, small group of people, or an organisation to a large group of heterogeneous (   مختلف طرح کا )  and anonymous people. Common  communication  channels in  mass communication  include radio, television, social media, and print media. Or Communi


Propaganda : This word came from the Italian sentence "c ongregatio de propaganda fide   " means congregation for the propagation of faith. Place: Rome, Italy. History: In 1622 Pope Gregory created a group for the propagation of faith in non catholic areas. Sentence was "c ongregatio de  propaganda  fide   " which is Italian language. later on Pope Urban VII setup a college of propaganda to train priests for the mission. Definitions : 1.  It is the information, opinion, thought or approach which primarily influence the general or targeted audience and further an agenda. 2. Propaganda as the "deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behaviour to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist. 3. Propaganda is the spreading of information in a support of cause. Note: The word propaganda is being used in a negative sense especially for politicians who make false claim to get